Testing Fees and Requirements by Belt Grade
10th Gup Yellow & 9th Gup Yellow w/Black stripe $25.00
8th Gup Orange & 7th Gup Orange w/Black stripe $35.00
6th Gup Green & 5th Gup Green w/Black Stripe $45.00
4th Gup Brown & 3rd* Gup Brown w/Black Stripe $60.00
2nd* Gup Red & 1st* Gup Red w/Black Stripe $100.00
Black Belt Testing* $200.00
Adults: 13 & Up 1” x 12” each board 12" long - #1 or 2 white pine wood
Remember: BE ON TIME!
Students must wear clean & properly trimmed uniform.
Notebooks must be handed in with testing fee inside.
All dues must be current.